What is Computer Remote Control?

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What is computer remote control?

What is Computer Remote Control?

Computer remote control doesn't mean controlling a monstrous, city-destroying robot with a souped up universal remote, but rather the ability to control a computer system through the internet using another computer. The most common use of computer remote control is for system administrators and helpdesk personnel to remotely diagnose and fix a problem on computer systems, whether the system is a misbehaving laptop in a hotel room on a business trip or a mission critical server buried deep underground and safe from nuclear explosions. However, even if you don't need the complete computer remote control offered by such software packages as SupportDesk Pro, you might at least want access to the data sitting on your PC from anywhere in the world. There are many free programs out there that you can try out, such as logmein or TightVNC, that provide remote access to your computer's data from anywhere in the world. Once you get addicted to computer remote control software, you may eventually move up to the more powerful, commercial brands, such as AccessDesk, pcAnywhere, or logmein pro.



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