January 26, 2007, Newsletter Issue #49: Remodeling Your Home for Ethernet

Tip of the Week

I saw a “home of the future” on TV that had miles of Ethernet cable; should I put networking cable in my walls?

If you're performing a major renovation or building a new home, adding Ethernet cables throughout will not cost you much money and could prepare your home for the next decade. As microprocessor prices fall, common devices such as toys and cars are becoming much more intelligent, and it's only a matter of time before your fridge and microwave will be able to go online to receive remote appliance support, or that you'll be able to use remote hardware access to turn your heat on from the airport when you touch down.

On the other hand, it is pretty early to simply go installing Ethernet cables in perfectly good walls if they're not already under construction, so unless you've already gotten your hands on a futuristic, networked toaster, you're safe waiting a few more years.

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