February 3, 2006, Newsletter Issue #3: Let the CIA Protect Your Data

Tip of the Week

If you’re obsessed with remote access security and really securing your mission critical data, then you should consider using SELinux.

SELinux was developed in part by the CIA specifically with remote security in mind. Even if hackers manage to gain access to the system itself, the damage they will be able to do will be incredibly localized. In fact, it is possible to secure data on an SELinux system so that, even with an administrator’s username and password, a malicious hacker will not be able to gain access.

The disadvantage to using an SELinux-based server is that your sysadmin must understand how to use it. If security is of utmost importance to your organization, then you probably already have a very talented system administrator, and for a small fee you can get them trained to run SELinux-based servers.

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